Having practiced Muay Thai recreationally on and off since her teens, Aneesa was initially drawn to dramatic fight-night photography of martial arts bouts. Looking to capture the speed of the fighters in the ring, in 2019 she earned the trust of Muay Thai master instructor Kru Sam and began shooting Muay Thai fight events. She then began shooting portraits of the fighters to go alongside.
Aneesa’s previous work as a mediator within the charity sector helped her to create a safe space for non-judgemental conversations with her subjects, who began to share their life stories, in and out of the ring.
Aneesa started to connect the discipline of training with the spiritual strength of the fighters. At this point, she paused shooting, and took some time to storyboard the project.
Reaching out to fellow photographers Phil Melia and Dr Mark Hall, she firmed up the approach to the project, drawing on, among others, August Sander’s photographs of ordinary Germans in inter-war Germany, People of the 20th Century.
Shot between 2019 and 2022, the resulting portraits are the result of hours of shooting and building trust with the fighters, to document their victories and the inner strength of their sporting community