Superhero Saviours Drama Workshop
(Ages 9-12)
Date: Mon 12th Feb 2024
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Registration: Free
Join us for a free superhero-themed drama workshop this half-term!
Planet Earth is facing a crisis! Your mission: Become a superhero and save us all!
Taking inspiration from our favourite superhero, fantasy and science fiction films, we will explore how storytelling and theatre can be used to save the planet. Over two hours, we will play games, explore how to create our own stories and characters, and learn more about the climate problems that Planet Earth faces. This is a fun, engaging session for ages 9 to 12 that aims to empower them as individuals and enable them to stretch their creative abilities.
You don’t need to have any previous drama experience or be a climate expert - you just need to be ready to have fun!
We want to include everyone who comes - if any additional support is needed please get in touch with or Streatham Space Project so we can plan accordingly.
Wise Ram Theatre are very excited to be running this one-off workshop at the Streatham Space Project thanks to generous support and funding from Integrate Agency CIC.
Date: Monday 12th February 2024
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Duration: 2 hours (including comfort breaks for participants)
Age Guidance: 9 - 12 years old
Specific content: Environmental issues and climate change handled in an age appropriate way
Please e-mail us ahead of the day to ensure we are aware of and can facilitate any access needs
About Wise Ram Theatre
Wise Ram Theatre is a theatre company creating work on a national level that explores the climate crisis. The company is run by Sofia Bagge, an actor, theatre director and drama teacher; and Molly Anne Sweeney, a script writer and facilitator.
Wise Ram Theatre is currently Associate Artist at University of Greenwich, Artists in Residence at The Glitch in London and commissioned by UCL Culture’s Performing Planet Activism to work with climate researchers. Their play Decommissioned, which explores climate anxiety and hope, premiered in April 2023 at the Pleasance Theatre in London.
In October 2022 and 2023, they ran Eco-Drama workshops for young people at MAST Mayflower Theatre Southampton for their Emergency Season, and workshops in Colchester.
They also run monthly “Staging the Climate Crisis” workshops and networking events
Instagram: @wiseramtheatre