"Every Idiot that goes about with Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding!"
It's December, it's cold outside, it's dark - the perfect time for a story.
Join Storyteller Amari in our cosy little theatre for an up-lifting retelling of Dickens classic story of hope and the season of goodwill.
There'll be magic, there'll be ghosts - there'll be Christmas cheer.
Apply the code 'HUMBUG' to x4 Standard tickets for a £45 family ticket!
Performance Info
Dates: 10th, 12th-15th, 17th-23rd Dec
Start Times: 2pm, 6pm/7pm (specific times for each day, see tickets) | Duration: 1 hour 30 mins (including interval)
Age Guidance: 5 - 85 years old
Become a member!
Be part of our mission to support, entertain and inspire our neighbourhood, with some excellent benefits too! We have a pay-what-you-can membership scheme, beginning at £24 (annually) or £2 (monthly).