Please indicate the event's category in the section below
In the event of latecomers, what would you like us to do with them? E.g. Entry only during intermission, entry permitted within the first 15 minutes of the show, entry permitted when there's laughter/scene changes etc
This should tell your audience what to expect from the show and why they should come. Can include reviews, awards nominations etc.
Please provide a brief biog of the artist, including previous shows, awards etc.
Please insert below
Thank you for submitting your On-Sale Form!
We are looking forward to working together.
Please send any print material to the following address: Streatham Space Project, Sternhold Ave, Streatham, Sw2 4PA.
A poster banner with details of your show will be sent to you. Please place this at the bottom of your posters and flyers.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Many thanks!
Team SSP xx